Ironside Advanced Dental explains the reason why veneers can’t replace a missing tooth

Missing a tooth? Not sure what to do about it? | Can you get veneers if you have missing teeth?

These days, the internet is flooded with blogs and articles about treatments for missing teeth. With so much information from so many different sources, it’s easy to become confused about what is and isn’t possible in terms of replacing a missing tooth.

Can veneers replace missing teeth?

The short answer is no; veneers can’t replace missing teeth. To have a dental veneer placed, there needs to be a tooth there in the first place. Veneers are a cosmetic treatment involving a thin veneer of porcelain being bonded to the front of your teeth; they are normally used to cover discolourations, stains, chips or cracks that cannot be concealed with regular tooth whitening.

Should I even bother replacing my tooth?

It’s easy to dismiss a missing tooth, especially if it’s not in a place that’s easily seen when you smile or open your mouth. Perhaps your chewing isn’t affected, and your speech is fine – so why bother? Well, there are a few ways a missing tooth can affect your overall oral health. For starters, a missing tooth allows room for your other teeth to move, causing them to become crooked, more decay-prone or even fall out due to periodontal (gum) disease. One missing tooth could turn into several missing teeth before you know it!

Missing teeth can also cause jaw atrophy, a condition in which the jawbone disappears because there is no tooth root to stimulate growth. So if you’re missing a tooth or two, it’s best to visit your dentist sooner rather than later.

What’s the best treatment for a missing tooth?

At Ironside Advanced Dental, we highly recommend dental implants as one of the most effective treatments for missing teeth. A dental implant is essentially an artificial root for a replacement tooth, most commonly made of titanium.

Receiving a dental implant is a three-stage process. In the first stage, an implant is placed into the bone socket and jaw at the site of your missing tooth during a surgical procedure. Over the course of a few months, your jawbone will naturally fuse to the implant. Once this fusion or osseointegration as it has become known, has occurred, an abutment is attached to the implant, and an impression is taken in order to create the implant crown. The final stage of the procedure is the fitting of the crown to the abutment.

Why are dental implants the best treatment for a missing tooth?

Dental implants are the best option for replacing a missing tooth for a number of reasons. Implants are a permanent tooth replacement treatment; there is a very little risk of movement or dislodgment once an implant is in place. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, and won’t affect chewing or speaking. They require about the same amount of maintenance as other fixed tooth replacement options such as bridges, fitting easily into your regular oral health routine of flossing once and brushing twice daily. If maintained correctly, dental implants can last a lifetime.

What should I do if I’m missing a tooth?

Your first port of call should be your dentist for a consultation. Contact Ironside Advanced Dental today and we’ll examine your oral health to determine the best treatment solution for you.

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